Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 60
Aslo known as Bitter Lands. Love is Greater than life… Yilmaz; a man who has no qualms about dying or even killing for the woman he loves passionately. Zuleyha; a woman who gives up her hopes, dreams, and even herself in order to save the man she loves. Hunkar; a mother who has devoted her life to protecting her son’s dominance at any cost over the fertile lands her family has owned for centuries. Turkish series Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 60 english subtitles
Demir, a modern day landowner, the lord of lords, who wants to desperately possess a woman he is obsessively in love with- a woman who won’t love him back. On one hand are those who will do anything and everything to get what they want. And on the other are kind people with warm hearts who believe in the power of love. Bitter Lands is the story of a legendary love that begins in Istanbul during the 1970s and continues in the fertile lands of Cukurova in southern Turkey through the trials of evil, ambition, and tyranny.
Bitter Lands asks whether love is eternal against the facts of life and tests the resistance of love and goodness amid a series of turbulent events. On these lands that have been molded with legendary tales of bravery and epic love over the centuries, at a period when mechanization in agriculture is beginning to show its effects, where does the goodness of love begin and where does evil end? Turkish series Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 60 english subtitles
Yilmaz, who commits murder in order to protect Zuleyha from the cruelty of her own family, and Zuleyha who would rather die than give up on Yilmaz who became a murderer for the sake of his beloved, embark on a grueling escape journey.. Fate brings these passionate lovers to Adana, in the south where they will end up on the vast and fruitful lands of the modern and powerful landowner Demir who studied abroad, and his domineering mother Hunkar. A simple lie the runaway lovers say in order not to be separated from each other on these lands while looking for a way out, will turn their lives upside down and destroy any hopes of salvation they had, leaving them in the midst of utter turmoil. Turkish series Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 60 english subtitles.
Thank you! yupii!!! some easy food for the brain!! we can escape for another 2-3 hours from the sadness we are living in…
agreed. thank u so much
I hope Mujga survive
pleeeeeeeease not … I hope that she disappears or she will do an emotional blackmail to Yilmaz not to divorce her or else….
rotten mujgan and her unstable ass family :’)
this episode was amazing! Few points:
1. Demir has no business looking that hot in a beard.
2. Zuleyha finally stood up for herself, a little too late.. but ok
3. THE CHEMISTRY between Naciye and Saniye, girl power was too real.
4. Mujgan being thrown on the street made me a bit sad and mad though..
I just can’t imagine how many episodes this will be anymore.. How crazier can it get
Funny how mr sleazy yilmaz bey said to his wife he will divorce, but for her not to leave cukurova border with their son, or else he will make her pay. So what, she has to live in cukurova and see you drooling all over zukeyha? Pleease. If the man had a brain he would have saved his marriage ages ago, but yet he still plays the victim, I didnt ruin the family she did? Lutfen.
Shabana you are definitely not a romantic….. lol….
Thank you turkfan for uploadng, this is great drama, especially in this difficult times where we have to stay indoors. Stay safe.
Hey,ladies! Where are you watching from??
I’m in the socialization mood. ?.
Regarding the movie… Things take such turn .. My feeling is that Mujgan tries to gain more attention and to be absolved from blame. Zuleyha should stand more for herself. Hunkar..if she really wants to repair what she has done, should declare in front of the judge what were her ugly plans and actions..
Any idea how many episodes has this serial?
A good weekend, I wish you from CH! ?
hello Gabriela…. I am watching from America…. and ,Yes, I agree… Hunkar should reveal in front of everybody the horrible things she has done to Zuleyha and Yilmaz…..
Hi Michele, may I ask you where comes your passion for the Turkish language from? I think it’s a brilliant project, especially that you are over the ocean. Do you do it on your own? Good luck!
I checked your recommendation for The Ambassador’s Daughter. It will be my next choice. It takes too long to wait from episode to episode for Zuleyha and I really discover this little entertainment being very helpful at the moment.
Stay healthy and with good mood!
Michelle, I am believer of love. But I ma also a believer of being fair. Now what would have been good if yilmaz was not a coward, is after he learnt of zuleyha’s letter and digested the information of her suffering and forced marriage, he should have spoken to mujgan about it. Even though they were newly married, she is still his wife, and he owed a big explaantion of what he learnt, and what he wants to do. I under stand with her father passing away he could not tell her, but after the event he could have. Instead he thought of an escape plan, to ditch the woman he married and go on the run to Germany with a pregnant zuleyha and adnan. Fekeli warned of him of this, and said does he not have a conscience for mujgan, even a tiny bit, but the pig yilmaz did not even care, he just wanted to live his fairytale and not even see the reality of what his action could do to the person he will leave behind. Before he though of an escape plan, he could have explained to mujgan about the letter, and say he is stuck. During that time mujgan was sane, and was not obsessively in love with him. He even could have given his marriage a chance by moving away from cukurova, but he did not, he even could have been honest with her, and see what will happen without breaking her heart even more by telling 5 minutes before he was going to go on the run, how easy people forget how heinous that was of him. Yes I understand he thought mujgan might tell demir if he tells her earlier, but really he should not have thought so badly if he had a proper heart to heart with her like he would have before her father passed away. He was in such a haste to runaway, even zuleyha thought of mujgan until the creep kept stalking her home to convince her to runaway with him. Even now mujgan still does not know they were planning to escape.
So how quickly people forget the previous episodes of how yilmaz treated his wife is astonishing. A bit history will do everyone good.
No Mujgan suicide was not planned for her to lure yilmaz back. We seen her before she cut her wrist how she tried to remove her aunt and kerem ali out of the house so no interference will take place, she even told her aubt to stay to help yilmaz with looking after kerem ali. We will only know until the next episode 62 if she really is remorseful, but the scriptwriter will do anything to paint her badly. But i am very sorry, I do not buy into it. The doctor and nurse saying she did it to attract attention is also absurd, they probably judging it because her and yilmaz were seperated for 1 month, and the whole affair being circulated in the gossip town of cukurova. These doctors are just makin their own assumption, a woman tried to commit suicide but was unsuccessful, regardless of if she did for attention or not, the next step for these dumb gossip doctors to do is get her reffered to the psychiatrist for treatment. So what, when zuleyha tried to commit suicide by cutting her wrist and survived then it means she did it for attention, right? Oh, then you have the dumbos who say mujgan failed to cut her veins, how can she be a doctor, this absolutely disgusting? What has our society turned into.
As for Dr sabahattin, i understand aunt was being abit unfair in regards to zuleyha, but I honestly do not like the way he brushed off mujgan’s action by saying she will recover in few days and will go back to her son, wheras zuleyha is suffering in prison without her kids. I mean, you talking about a woman who just committed suicide, the best thing he could do as a doctor and friend of mujgan is to get her referred to a psychiatrst.
I respect your point of view, but we have a very different one…. Fairness is very important for you and this is very commendable….. I am more for absolute…. for me Yilmaz and Zuleyha have a great love and Mujgan is in the way…. she has no pride, she should divorce….. I am also very annoyed with Yilmaz’s father who I think is a very big hypocrite, moralist and still friend with Demir’s mother who did so much evil…. and constantly interfering
Actually michelle, in mujgan’s mind she also believes if zuleyha was not in the picture then her and yilmaz could have led a happy family life, ans that is something yilmaz put on her. She tried to leave hi 3 times before but the moron stopped her. Now she is at desperate ends but he wants to divorce her. He had good reasons for divroce because of all the problems caused by sending that tape, but lets not pretend this man is moral, and that him and zuleyha are bloody innocent beings. He was looking for a way out of his marriage. What this moron should have done is been honest from the very beginning of his marriage when he learnt the letter, he was only half honest after she fell pregnant. He prolonged this relationship, and unfortantely mujgan became a fool in love. Her heart was played big time, and she is a victim of yilmaz’s stupidity of even getting involved with her in the first place. If you go back to series 1, just watch the way he lurks around her, sending her meaningless flowers and empty words of “oooh i love you”. I know at that time he thought zuleyha married demir willingly, but if he felt like that he should have at least left mujgan aside, have a doctor-patient relationship. He went into this relationship on haste, he fought for her like crazy, so he obviously confused her, and even now she believes in her marriage. Its not selfishness, its about working towards a marriage that will soon grow into something bigger. Reemember life is a test, and love grows through sacrifice. If he really wanted to be with zuleyh, then maybe the runaway attempt should have happened. Yes mujgan would be ruined as she was pregnant, but at least she was sane and was not too obsessively in love. I miss the old mujgan, but
Also, michelle, when was mujgan in the way of zulmaz love? Pleease, she asked yilmaz countless times about zuleyha and if he still has not got over her then they should not be together, she even asked zuleyha twice. I find it astonishing how people still cannot understand mujgan. Very shocked indeed, what has this world turned into.
Please turkfan can you upload episode 61. This show is epic, please it has to be on netflix soon, I am trying to get my family to watch it, but they do not like reading subtitles lol. Mujgan is still the character O feel the most empathy, along with zuleyha. Believe it or not, even though I am not a zuleyha fan, i actually want happiness for her too. But I swear she plays victim in every situation, it gets tedious.