Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 59

Aslo known as Bitter Lands. Love is Greater than life… Yilmaz; a man who has no qualms about dying or even killing for the woman he loves passionately. Zuleyha; a woman who gives up her hopes, dreams, and even herself in order to save the man she loves. Hunkar; a mother who has devoted her life to protecting her son’s dominance at any cost over the fertile lands her family has owned for centuries. Turkish series Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 59 english subtitles
Demir, a modern day landowner, the lord of lords, who wants to desperately possess a woman he is obsessively in love with- a woman who won’t love him back. On one hand are those who will do anything and everything to get what they want. And on the other are kind people with warm hearts who believe in the power of love. Bitter Lands is the story of a legendary love that begins in Istanbul during the 1970s and continues in the fertile lands of Cukurova in southern Turkey through the trials of evil, ambition, and tyranny.
Bitter Lands asks whether love is eternal against the facts of life and tests the resistance of love and goodness amid a series of turbulent events. On these lands that have been molded with legendary tales of bravery and epic love over the centuries, at a period when mechanization in agriculture is beginning to show its effects, where does the goodness of love begin and where does evil end? Turkish series Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 59 english subtitles
Yilmaz, who commits murder in order to protect Zuleyha from the cruelty of her own family, and Zuleyha who would rather die than give up on Yilmaz who became a murderer for the sake of his beloved, embark on a grueling escape journey.. Fate brings these passionate lovers to Adana, in the south where they will end up on the vast and fruitful lands of the modern and powerful landowner Demir who studied abroad, and his domineering mother Hunkar. A simple lie the runaway lovers say in order not to be separated from each other on these lands while looking for a way out, will turn their lives upside down and destroy any hopes of salvation they had, leaving them in the midst of utter turmoil. Turkish series Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 59 english subtitles.


  • Michele Delville

    I know that it is nuts…. to be involved in a series like this … but I feel such a hatred for this ugly Mujgan.. she looks like a cow and has the nature of a bitch…. And the fat aunt is like a snake….

    • Bettyq

      @Michelle delville – I guess it runs in the family. Her father was a rapist…. horrible people
      And I hope Demir dies a really slow death. Saniye is the only character I like at this point to be honest

        • Shabana

          Gabriela, it is easy to shoot down mujgan, when your husband is obviously having an emotional affair right under your nose. How many times had mujgan tried to leave him and he kept pursuing her and teasing her feelings, thats what yilmaz is, a slimy tease.

          Please, zuleyha was also jealous of anyone whop was next to yilmaz, gulten and mujgan. So imagine how mujgan felt, that was her husband, and she had every right to be jealous. She was also going through mental crisis after birth, and that escalated her jealousy. The fact she was showing her jealousy, did yilmaz not think to get her treated. In episode 55 he decided to stay in that small house because he does not want demir to win, how pathetic is he.

    • Dounia

      My thoughts exactly, I can not wait until the man Hankur sent to Istanbul finds out who the aunt really is I bet she had a lot to do with her brothers debt that lead to take his own life.

  • Gabriela Adriana

    Thank you for being so fast with the translation of ep 59!!! This difficult time we are living in, escaping in a story (a beautiful movie like this one) is a good mental support! Thanks again! Stay healthy!


    That’s what Yilmaz gets. He treated Mujgan like crap. He shouldn’t have pursued her to the ends of the earth of he knew he was still in love with Zuleya. Mujgan is the one who has been done wrong. The only likable people oh the show besides Mujgan are Curtin, Gulten, Umuz, Nazire and her daughter.

  • Shabana

    I think everyone is being extremely harsh on mujgan, and it’s something you will only understand if it was done to you. Mujgan was actually innocent, and she has caught her husband so many times attending to zukeyha and even picking at her right under his poor wife’s nose. He gets defensive first to justify why he had to attend to zukeyha, knowing full well his feelings are evident. He did a poor job of hiding it when he decided to commit fully on his family. As for zukeyha, now she is all mother of the year, she was always lurking around yilmaz, and rather than living for her kids she kept fiddling with that longing, she could have done something to distract that boredom, demir and hunkar would have welcomed it.

    I agree mujgan’s only crime was sending that tape to demir, but other than that her feelings about zukeyha and yilmaz are true, and people forget she is mentally unstable since giving birth, that type of illness is real.

    She onky ever loved yilmaz, but yilmaz abused and used that love. Zukeyha also adding fuel to the fire, always butting her nose. If she thought the ercument case was nothing to hide then why couldn’t she either confront demir, or even go to yilmaz house where mujgan is present, doesn’t his wife has a right to know too. Or why did zukeyha call the house, did she never think mujgan might answer the phone, or wait until glad gets out if the house and u can try calling him at work like the way she did last time when she went into labour. It’s ridiculous, but then both yilmaz and zukeyha play the victims very well. They are 2 hideous pair that have caused so much havoc and leaving their trails of destructions on others. They use so many things just to paint themselves as victims.

  • Shabana

    Michelle, mujgan is mentally unwell. If she had a sane mind she never would have done what she did. She will regret it I’m sure, but mentally she is not right in the head since giving birth. I hope the scriptwriters do her character some justice moving forward because overall I think she was innocent in all this mess. She tried to keave yilmaz 3 times, and he lured her back in each of those times.

  • Shabana

    Bettyq I think it’s pretty awful to link mujgan to what her father had done? First of all there is no evidence to suggest inherit it father’s immoral behaviour, that’s just stupid. So what, zuleyha’s half brother was a crook who pimped out his sister so he can clear his debt, so that does mean if zukeyha did somethig bad its because she inherited from her family. If mujgan learns what her father had done she would be so disgusted, and she is nothing like her father or aunt behice, she is just going a mental.breakdown and need urgent treatment people.

    • Raducan Isabella

      Don’t mess with Shabana. She’s a big fun of Mujgan. Anyway the fact that she showed Demir that video,, was not a smart move at all. She put Zuleyha next to Ylmaz in the same house. She doesn’t know love implies sacriface as Zuleyha did for her love. After she found out Zuleyha was in Ylmaz father’s house, she returned from her “journey” and started to argue again instead of apologising for accusing them of cheating. She proved that she is a selfish and stupid person. If Zuleyha was the same as she is, she would have taken the chance to gain Ylmaz back. But instead, she took the gun and went to shoot Demir because of her children, knowing that she would go to jail and lose Ylmaz forever. Sometimes, the love is not enough but Mujgan doesn’t understsnd that. She doen’t love Ylmaz. She is just obsessed. Obsession is a medical illness. So Demir is obsessed of Zuleyha. People like them will never cure. Anyway Mujgan commited suicide and Demir was shooted. If Zuleyha gets out from prison, this is their only chance to be together again with their children as well. Hope for this end

  • Raducan Isabella

    Don’t mess with Shabana. She’s a big fun of Mujgan. Anyway the fact that she showed Demir that video,, was not a smart move at all. She put Zuleyha next to Ylmaz in the same house. She doesn’t know love implies sacriface as Zuleyha did for her love. After she found out Zuleyha was in Ylmaz father’s house, she returned from her “journey” and started to argue again instead of apologising for accusing them of cheating. She proved that she is a selfish and stupid person. If Zuleyha was the same as she is, she would have taken the chance to gain Ylmaz back. But instead, she took the gun and went to shoot Demir because of her children, knowing that she would go to jail and lose Ylmaz forever. Sometimes, the love is not enough but Mujgan doesn’t understsnd that. She doen’t love Ylmaz. She is just obsessed. Obsession is a medical illness. So Demir is obsessed of Zuleyha. People like them will never cure. Anyway Mujgan commited suicide and Demir was shooted. If Zuleyha gets out from prison, this is their only chance to be together again with their children as well. Hope for this end

    • Shabana

      Isabella, I just want to point put, mujgan’s love was not an obsession, but it became an obsession after that traumatic birth that messed up her head. Or else in the past she was willing to leave yilmaz, not once but three times, but what did Mr sleazy do, he went chasing her like a cat, pursuing her from adnan’s to Ankara then to Istanbul, he even said he would have gone to America if she made that journey with her mum, that’s how yilmaz played with this woman’s feeling. But funny once he found zuleyha’s letter he forgot he was a married man, and instead if excepting his new life he then went chasing after zukeyha, and he did it in such haste, and did not even think twice about the woman he just newly married. Yes, mujgan was jealous, but tell me, isn’t that a natural feeling considering that is her HUSBAND, KOCA. please stop spill me any baloneys tjat you would not be jealous if your husband was eyeing up his ex, and still putting her onna pedestal right under your nose. Like I said, Her jealousy became unhealthy after birth, and that was left untreated and got worse overtime. Oh yes, but Mr husband of the year didn’t bother to get his wife treated, instead he kept crying to his pops “oooooh look at me, I’m running out if patience with my crazy wife”. Pleeease.

      Don’t get me started on miss goody no two shoes zukeyha, miss part time mother of the year, and full time lover of my ex boyfriend. Mujgan when she returned from fekeli was still under the impression she was right, yes she was regretful of what demir could do to zukeyha, but she still believed they did jad an affair in that hut. She loved her husband and was a loyal wife, but what loyalty has he really shown to her, he was chasing after his ex skirt, and he played with mujgan feelings. He was distance with mujgan both mentally n physically because in his face he looked like an empty canvas, I mean who wouldn’t go crazy with that face. Mujgan had a mental breakdown after birth, it was picked up but nothing was ever done about it. Yilmaz can scream and say I am not responsible for breaking my home, well then why the he’ll could you not save your wife from suffering the jealousy by forcefully taking them out if the home, get her treated, oh no, his war with demir is much important because demir owns his pet. Now let’s see if episode 61, whether mujgan is alive or dead will the pig realise his part in mujgan’s destruction. He will now realise mujgan mental health through comitting suicide, that’s how stupid this man is. I mean it still baffles me that the man never questioned whether adnan was his child, I mean can he not do the maths. But I forgot miss saint zukeyha can do no wrong in his eyes, a d when he Kearns of adnan she will the least likely person be will be mad at because she was forced not tell him, right??? Pleeease..

      • Raducan Isabella

        I saw that ?? she is a deeply fan of this serial. If you get bored in the house because of this covid isolation, just start a conversation with Shabana about Mujgan. She will write down the summary of the last 59 episodes in the most detailed way. And believe me, she knows every detail of each minute of each episode. When I start reading one of her comments, I finish it after one week. And when i’m glad i finish it, it comes another one. Just kidding Shabana. Don’t take it in serious. Just laughing a bit about the situation

  • Gabriela Adriana

    episode 60 is highly awaited! 🙂 Thank you for your work!
    I still don’t get why Zuleyha has never tried to get in contact with a lawyer (even now.. ) and to get custody and try to divorce from this evil man. She has been heavily blackmailed and abused by the Yamans. There are so many witnesses.. Another point is regarding Adnan. Ylmaz has the right to know the truth. If this situation is prolonging and prolonging this way.. it becomes to be too obvious a soup opera. Regards to all the ladies watching the movie! Stay healthy and share opinion! 🙂

    • Shabana

      Gabriela, totally agree with you that zuleyha should try to get her children via the justice system, but knowing demir he got so much power to influence. But I think with yilmaz and fekeli’s help she can overcome this. If demir had not taken zukeyha by force I would have liked his character, but you cannot overlook zuleyha’s suffering. Also, I am.not a zukeyha fan, I think she did alot of things inadvertently, and plays the victim in every situation, and I get sick of these types of behaviour where you start to typecast yourself.

      Her shooting of demir, although yes you can understand why she did it, but really for her kids sake she should have thought abit logically, and give demir a bit if space to calm down. She found a refuge in fekeli’s where demir couod nkt interfere. Really if he is so bothered by zukeyha being at fekeli’s he should address his behaviour and conduct. He is a psychopath, and this is beyond what anybody could imagine he could be capable of, and I think even mujgan regretted it alot, but also she still was under the impression they had an affair, so she was still bitter. I seriosuly think mujgan mental state was bad for her to do such a deed, and she us suffrring from.a pathological jealousy. Although it is seen in a negative way, it’s a real illness and needs treatment. She had every right to be jealous because this was her husband, and he always shown his interest in zukeyha one way or another even without them being together, even promising he will.stick with his family. Having an emotio am attachment is natural, but to show it is another thing, and he has done it so many times after promising his wife zuleyha is his past and she is his future. For example, when yaman came to fekeli’s house for peace, when yilmaz got angry he brought up about zuleyha with his wife next to him, then when hunkar and fekeli were going to get married he brought up about zukeyha to sabahattin again with his wife next to him. It like he has no tact, and he made her so insecure, it was painful to watch. She was a very loyal wife until she learnt about adnan. She probably sensed his distance and mood I the marriage, a marriage that was innocent. So in effect both yilmaz and mujgan ruined their home, but really yilmaz was the one who started it, and he should have done something with force to get his family out of that small house when mujgan jealousy got out if hand, the signs were there, but he refused to leave because his war with demir, which in effect is linked with zukeyha is more important than his wife’s mental health. Yilmaz owned mujgan’s body, soul and honour, so really he should have taken steps to make sure things did not get too far
      Don’t get me wrong, yilmaz is not entirely to blame, but he lives with her, and he was sufferi g too as a result of her behaviour, but instead of dealing with the reality of his marriage he just kept shouting at her and saying he has patience. I find him not deserving of both women to be honest.

      Now he will learn through mujgan suicide how serious her mental health was. But still he will.not take responsibility because he always likes to think of himself as the victim, similar to zukeyha.

    • Bettyq

      I don’t believe custody for a single female was a think in east Turkey back in the 70s
      altough I agree she could fight harder for her life and not just snap like that

      • Shabana

        Bettyq, I sort of agree with that aswel, but it was not completely ruled out for women either, but its worth fighting for your children through justice than resorting to using a gun, now look at the situation, she is in jail and is more distance from her children, even though I know zuleyha had every reason to be upset. But the problem with zuleyha from episode 1, when they were in istanbul she was an emotional wreck, and even wanted to commit suicide back then when yilmaz decided to leave on his own after murdering that rapist, and she threatened to kill herself with that broken glass jar, so then that aunt naime had no choice but to tell her where yilmaz was going to.This emotional wreck behaviour continued all throughout the series, and she plays the victim in every situation, it gets very tedious. I agree she suffered, but she also decided to stay with demir because she felt loyalty to him because he saved adnan, and yet she was suffering at the same time, and she prolonged the mess even further by telling yilmaz face to face about her suffering, or else yilmaz never would have entered a relationship with mujgan, and mujgan’s life would not have been ruined too. This is why I do not understand when yilmaz said to judge julide that he blames everyone and himself for zuleyha’s sufferings, and I understand he had to say it that way so julide can sympathise with zuleyha’s action, but for real yilmaz does not hold zukeyha accountable for any of the mess, how yilmaz was none the wiser about her suffering, he keeps blaming himself for marrying mujgan because he thought zuleyha married for wealth, but he always had doubts and even asked her so many times if she is happy and if there is anything she is hiding to let him know. I mean yilmaz is not a mindreader to know she was suffering, and yet zuleyha likes playing the victim, and never once said to yilmaz not to blame himself as he did not know her suffering, she just always loves being the damsel in distress, and that is what irritates me about this character. It is only when she had seen yilmaz with mujgan is when she started realising that she will be losing yilmaz, similar to how mujgan felt. I’m sorry, but where I symphanthise with zuleyha, I also found her to be also partially responsible for this mess, its just people overlook these because she was forced to marry demir. If she was slightly smart as she got to know demir, she should have worked on gaining his and hunkar’s trust and eventually sneakily leave with her child, but no, she was always an emotional wreck with all her actions from the beginning, and she even accepted that life.

        I remembered in episode 43, yilmaz and zuleyha bumped into eachother on the road after their botched runaway attempt, he even asked her why did she not tell him about her suffering, because even deep down he knows zuleyha had plenty of opportunities, but then he quickly symphathise with her when she shot him down with “they were blackmailing me”, oh yes, but were they blackmailing you when you writing your endless letters to yilmaz??? Please do not say face to face and letter are 2 different things, because both are forms of communication, and the person writing has the intent to convey that message to the recipient, and yet she does not acknowledge her fault in this. Yilmaz needs to be real and start analysing thing from an impartial point of view.

  • Shabana

    Oh yes, are you sure zuleyha’s love was not unhealthy, I think she had countless suicide attempt for yilmaz too. Pleeease..Mujgan is ill people
    Try learning about pathological jealousy and what effect it has. This jealousy she has is for her HUSBAND!!!!!

  • Gabriela Adriana

    Any other recommendation?!! Doctor Miracle is a good film? I’m getting old until Zuleyha is getting back to Ylmaz.. need some easy food for my brain, as I can not read serious literature at this moment..
    Regards for the ladies! 🙂

  • Michele Delville

    the other very good series are… SEFIRIN KISI…. ICERDE… YASAK ELMA…HERCAI.. DOGDUGM EV KADERMDIR…SOZ.. VATANIM SENSIN….. the most idiotic is YEMIN…. the begining of MUCIZE DOKTOR WAS GREAT but it’s becoming … not so great…

  • Gabriela Adriana

    Thanks a lot,Michele! Which one are you watching at the moment? Episode 60is still on the pipe..? I watched it on YouTube, but in Turkish? .. So I had to guess from their mimics. ?

    • Michele Delville

      I am watching several -because I am learning Turkish and also because each is posted on a different day of the week… so, off course the one Iike the most right now is Bir Zamanlar, and, Yasak Elma, Sefirin dizi (great actor, Engin Akyurek).,.Hercai, dogdugun ev kadermidir (also because I love the actor Ibrahim Celikkol (from the same actor you can also watch Iffett and black and white love….

  • Gabriela Adriana

    Very interesting, you are learning Turkish! Bravo! May I ask why for? Im going to check your recommendations. Thanks a lot, Michele! Enjoy the weekend. Greets from CH!

    • Michele Delville

      Hi Gabriela, what for ? 1st reason is for brain exercise (it is one of the 5 more difficult language to learn for an English/French speaker)… second because I love that country … third because I love Turkish series and I would not have to rely on subtitles…..
      Yesterday I watched yasak elma…… great..
      you live in Switzerland ?… gorgeous country….
      have a great week end…..