Aslo known as Beloved, Aziz (Kadir Dogulu) is the only son and heir of a wealthy family. He is passionate, successful and very respected in high society. He takes over the family business in textile industry after his father gets retired and manages the company successfully. However, he has some problems with Kerem (Umit Kantarcilar) who has been raised by Aziz’s family. Turkish series Vuslat english subtitles.
After his parents passed away when he was a little kid, Kerem has been adopted by Aziz’s family. He has been raised in a wealthy family with good opportunities. However, he has to endure the complaints and grumbles of Aziz mother.
While Aziz works as a CEO in the family business, Kerem works as a co-manager. Aziz does the legal business whereas Kerem carries out the illegal business. Even though Aziz is aware of the dark side of his father, he prefers not to carry out the illegal activities. Kerem, on the other hand, wants to gain all power and dispraise Aziz. Turkish series Vuslat english subtitles.
The life of Aziz changes dramatically when he bumps into Feride (Devrim Ozkan) out of pure coincidence. Feride is a decent young girl who works as a fashion designer in a small textile company. After her mother passed away, Feride starts to live together with her father, step-mother and step-siblings. She quits her school in order to support her family financially but no matter what she does, she cannot gain the trust and love of her step-mother. Feride loves her father so much and for this reason, she resists all the annoying treats of her step-mother to make her father happy. Turkish series Vuslat english subtitles.

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