Aslo known as The Tale of The Far City, The story of Uzak Şehrin Masalı series is quite remarkable. Umay refuses to accept that her husband Affan has a child with another woman and leaves the mansion with her two children and settles with her older sister Sonay. Turkish series Uzak Şehrin Masalı english subtitles.
Meanwhile, Kürşat, who has smuggled into the border, hides in Sonay’s house to evade the gendarme after him. Umay, Sonay and Kürşat, whose paths cross, claim that Kürşat is Sonay’s missing husband in order to hide his true identity. Meanwhile, both Umay and Sonay will fall in love with Kürşat… Turkish series Uzak Şehrin Masalı english subtitles.
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