Aslo known as My Wonderful Life, In a world of deep chasms and privileged people, a successful, scholarship-winning, math-champion young girl… She tries to keep her dreams alive despite the indifference, lack of love, and cruelty that surrounds her. The injustice that permeates every cell of her life forces her to make a huge choice and become a bandit. Turkish series Şahane Hayatım english subtitles.
Young Şebnem decides to stop standing against this trend and take the wind behind her back. Because sometimes a girl has to do something. Turkish series Şahane Hayatım english subtitles.
Şebnem, the bride of silversmiths, the queen of society… She dazzles with her beauty and style. She is enjoying her wonderful life with her two children and her favorite husband. And she is making unthinkable plans to get the house she wants. But this sweet course is thrown into a dangerous storm by an unexpected guest. Niyazi, who comes from Şebnem’s dark past that no one knows about, has sworn to destroy the life she has built with unimaginable sacrifices. Turkish series Şahane Hayatım english subtitles.
Şebnem will do whatever it takes to get rid of the danger of Niyazi. But things will not go her way and she will find herself in an uphill battle for survival. As she fights alone against the monsters, Şebnem will discover her true self and bravely rewrite her own story. Turkish series Şahane Hayatım english subtitles.

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