Aslo known as The Bullet, series will tell the story of Marlon Kemal, a prosecutor who swept Turkey in the 1970s. Kurşun (The Bullet) sequence will be inspired by a real-life story; a Public Prosecutor named Orhan falls in love with a journalist named Leyla and the country’s seasonal conditions and difficulties will be told. Turkish series Kurşun english subtitles.
In the injustice of the 1970s, a prosecutor named Orhan Atmaca, who sought justice in Istanbul, and Leyla Devrim, an ambitious and beautiful journalist, will talk about their struggle and love to ensure justice. . Orhan and Leyla, with their love and ambition, are the colourful neighborhood culture of the ’70s and the dark underworld; especially how a country has changed with ambitious young people. Turkish series Kurşun english subtitles.
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