Aslo known as The Town Doctor, the series follows an eccentric, triple board-certified virtuoso surgeon who leaves a top job in a top city hospital and ends up at a provincial hospital, where he mentors young doctors. The Turkish remake follows the talented and promising Ömer, who decided to become a doctor after losing his father, and the legendary surgeon Ali, who has dedicated his life to saving lives. In a town hospital in the city, Ömer will cross paths with Ali Hoca and the idealistic doctor Leyla, and we as the audience will follow the determined struggle of these three doctors who do their best to help people. Turkish series Kasaba Doktoru english subtitles.
The story of Ozan Akbaba, who will give life to the character of Kemal, will be a successful surgeon and start in a big hospital, disappearing after a traumatic event and then re-embracing his job in a small hospital in a town. Deniz Can Aktaş, one of the leading actors of the series, who will tell the story of three idealist doctors whose paths cross in Uluçınar Hospital, far from the city, will appear in front of the audience with the character of young Doctor Ömer. A brave and stubborn character, Ömer is a young doctor who decided to become a doctor after losing his father and has distinguished himself as a doctor with a bright future thanks to his love for his profession. Turkish series Kasaba Doktoru english subtitles.
Ömer’s father dies in the Private Gümüşok Hospital, where he came injured. Ömer holds the hospital responsible for this death and tries to hold himself accountable. With the timely intervention of Hakan Hodja, his life changes… He enters into a struggle to prove himself in this hospital, which houses famous doctors and surgeons. Turkish series Kasaba Doktoru english subtitles.
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