Aslo known as Second Chance, is an ambitious and very successful new drama series, featuring some of Turkey’s biggest stars. The story focuses on an innocent woman, Deniz, who has everything in life that she could wish for – until her husband disappears without a trace. After losing everything she has ever owned, she is left in dire straits and faces a daily struggle for survival, needing to fight for the sake of her children and elderly father. Eventually she meets Mirat, who turns out to be a life-saver. Turkish series Kalbimdeki Deniz english subtitles.
Deniz has everything a woman can ask for: she has a wealthy life and lives happily with her two lovely children and a handsome husband. She has been raised without seeing any hardship. Therefore, she is well-intentioned all the time and trusts all the people around her. Turkish series Kalbimdeki Deniz english subtitles.
Deniz’s life turns upside down when her husband Alihan disappears with no trace. She worries about the life of her husband without knowing that her husband has left them behind and has run away with his lover Sebnem in order to start a new life. She also does not know that her cousin Hulya is the one who arranged this forbidden love. After 3 days of Alihan’s disappearance, Deniz also loses all her wealth. Now, she has nothing and she finds herself in a desperate state with her two children and her father. The betrayal of her husband transforms Deniz’s life so radically that she will never be able to go back to the way she used to live. Turkish series Kalbimdeki Deniz english subtitles.
Deniz moves into a new house in a poor neighborhood and tries to be strong in front of her children and her father. While struggling to settle in her new life, Deniz tries to do her best to help her children adapt their new lives. During her journey, Deniz meets Merit who will be a lover and be a life saver. Turkish series Kalbimdeki Deniz english subtitles.

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