Aslo known as The Secret of Us, Struggling to survive with her seven-year-old daughter Hayal, Neva Canpolat raises her only daughter by instilling the beauty and hope of life with fairy tales and games. However, the happy world of mother-daughter is shaken by the dark men who follow them. The path of Neva and Hayal, who lead a difficult life, crosses with Alp Karahun (Aras Aydın) in a traffic accident. Turkish series İkimizin Sırrı english subtitles.
At long last, ATV has set the premiere date for İkimizin Sırrı, its eagerly-awaited drama series which will bring the struggle of a mother-daughter to the screen. Turkish series İkimizin Sırrı english subtitles.
Starring Leyla Feray and Aras Aydın and produced by Üs Yapım, the new series follows the story of Neva Canpolat (Leyla Feray), who struggles to survive with her seven-year-old daughter Hayal, raises her only daughter by instilling the beauty and hope of life with fairy tales, games. But the happy world of mother and daughter is shaken by the dark men who come after them. The paths of Neva and Hayal, who led difficult lives, will intersect with Alp Karahun (Aras Aydin) in a traffic accident. Turkish series İkimizin Sırrı english subtitles.
“İkimizin Sırrı” also stars Dolunay Soysert, Tülay Günal, Engin Alkan, Bestemsu Özdemir, Ceyhun Mengirlioğlu, Irmak Örnek, Deniz Hamzaoğlu, Ahsen Türkyılmaz, Sacide Taşaner, Tarık Uğur Özenbaş and Mina Koyuncular. Cem Akyoldaş is set to direct, with Özen Yula penning the script. Turkish series İkimizin Sırrı english subtitles.
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I have no idea which drama this is & I’ve never seen this actress before, but her photo stills here remind me a little of Drew Barrymore!