The life of Gülcemal and Gülendam, two siblings whose mother left when they were children to run away to another man, is shattered by their mother’s departure. Growing up in difficulties, the two brothers return to Bursa after years, establishing an enviable life for themselves. Gülcemal’s only goal is to take revenge on her mother. She will take everything from him, eventually needing his door, and his mother will say to him, “I am glad I gave birth to you, son.” Gülcemal is a strong and ruthless man who hides his motherlessness in the wound of childhood and never closes that wound. A snake in her mother’s words. Turkish series Gülcemal english subtitles.
However, on the first day that he returned to Bursa, he encounters a girl with long eyelashes. This acquaintance, which started with fear and anger, is the first sentence of a long story. Deva is a silk dyeing master working for Gulcemal’s mother, Zafer Hanım. Moreover, Zafer Pehlivan raised Deva. She is his spiritual mother and Deva is about to get married. However, Gülcemal and her worst enemy Zafer Pehlivan will do their best to prevent this wedding from happening. Everyone has their own account to spoil this wedding. The innocent Deva, who is unaware of everything, will watch her life fall apart in one day. Turkish series Gülcemal english subtitles.
Gülcemal makes an offer to Deva to leave her father. Halil wants Deva to stay with him in exchange for releasing İbrahim. Deva, who is cornered, has to accept Gülcemal’s offer. Meanwhile, İpek asks Zafer for help to save Deva, but Zafer has different plans. He wants to shoot Gülcemal from an unexpected place. Deva, on the other hand, risks her own life to escape the captivity of Gülcemal, whom she never knew. Turkish series Gülcemal english subtitles.

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