Aslo known as Childhood, eight year old Zeynep is taken in by Mahir Boztepe who runs the Ali Kaan Umut Evi (Orphanage) as she is a victim of child abuse by members of her family. This little girl who has been separated from her mother for the first time, believes and actually dreams that her mother is going to come to the orphanage and take her home, but when reality sets in her little heart is going to be shredded with pain, however this is something that she does not know yet. Turkish series Çocukluk english subtitles.
The director of the Umit Evi, is hated from day one by her roommate Mavi. She tries to get away from the Umit Evi, but she also realizes that this is really the only place that is protecting her and where she is safe, even though the fights with Mavi continue, she will eventually realize that she is closer to her than a real biological sister; but this will become obvious for Zeynep when she comes face to face with the ruthless pain of the real world. Turkish series Çocukluk english subtitles.
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