Aslo known as Mr Wrong, is a romantic comedy series starring Can Yaman and Özge Gürel, was broadcast on Fox TV on Friday, June 26th with its first episode. Ezgi and the restaurant owner Ozgur who wanted to change her life after learning that she had been cheated on by her lover changed their fate after becoming neighbors. In the new 2nd episode, there will be romantic moments between Ezgi and Ozgur. Turkish series Bay Yanlış english subtitles.
Bay Yanlış (Mr Wrong) starring Can Yaman and Özge Gürel, appeared on FOX TV with the first episode on Friday, June 26. The series featured the story of Ozgur, a wealthy restaurant owner, and Ezgi, who wanted to find the right man after being cheated on her birthday by the man she loved. Bay Yanlis, who was acclaimed for first episode, will appear on Friday, July 3, the second episode of the season. a romantic trailer has also been released. Turkish series Bay Yanlış english subtitles.
Ezgi learns that she was cheated on at her surprise birthday party with her boyfriend Soner. The difficult times for ezgi have begun again. Ezgi, who had to leave the house where she lived with Soner, would lose his job in the meantime. This process will make new decisions. Now “The Wrong” will stay away from men and find the right man. The person who will help her in her decision is her new neighbor Ozgur, who is literally wrong. Turkish series Bay Yanlış english subtitles.
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