Aslo known as The Name of Love, The arrival of young high school teacher Elif Türkkan, who is passionate about her profession, to Sarpça becomes a turning point in the lives of everyone living in this small town. When Elif meets the despair of Zeynep, who is in the prime of her life, she takes her in her wing. Thus, he enters into a war on his own with this family, which has fallen like a nightmare on Volkan and Sarpça, the heirs of the powerful Baykara family that Zeynep is forced to marry. In time, Elif will realize that someone other than herself is trying to change the unfortunate fortune of the district. It is confusing for Elif when she encounters the mysterious Emir Baykara, who has turned her back on her own family. Turkish series Adı Sevgi english subtitles.
However, there is something that comes first for Elif. Thanks to her unremitting struggle for her students, she will start with Zeynep and make Esma, Doğukan, Arda, Cem, Gülendam, Fidan and many others look to the future with hope. Her name is Sevgi, about the change that a young woman, who would risk everything for her students, created with determination, love and self-sacrifice in students, families and the whole district. Turkish series Adı Sevgi english subtitles.
Elif teacher comes to Sarpça with idealistic thoughts. Zeynep, who is a very successful girl at school; She escaped from her henna and came to her favorite place to school. While taking Zeynep from the edge of despair, Elif learns that Zeynep was forced to marry Volkan, the only son of the Baykara family, the strongest and wealthiest family in the region. Volkan is attached to her with an obsessive love. Elif immediately takes Zeynep under her protection and takes action to save her from this situation and return her to school. However, both Volkan and Baykara family make incredibly big and dangerous moves to make this marriage happen. Turkish series Adı Sevgi english subtitles.
In her first lesson at school, Elif senses that almost all of her students need her support, either covertly or openly. Meanwhile, as a result of a misunderstanding, he also meets Emir, who bears the surname Baykara. This meeting, which sparks from the very first moment, prompts Elif to save Zeynep with Emir. However, events throw them to different places in an unexpected way… Turkish series Adı Sevgi english subtitles.
Zeynep’s scream descended on the wedding like a nightmare. Elif wants to reach Zeynep as soon as possible and end this forced marriage. However, Zeynep; He has a great hesitation between getting rid of Volkan and protecting his brother Mehmet, who stabbed Volkan, from Baykaras. For Emir, this house, which he returned to years later, causes old memories to come to life. Turkish series Adı Sevgi english subtitles.
While everyone is trying to understand the reason behind Zeynep’s strange behavior, Mehmet’s absence draws great suspicion. The key to everything is in what happened in that room on the wedding night and in Mehmet. Despite all the conflict between them, Elif and Emir embark on a quest to keep Zeynep and her family away from Baykaras. Ekrem Baykara, who sees that Emir and Elif still do not give up on this business even after the wedding, makes a move that will endanger Elif’s profession. Turkish series Adı Sevgi english subtitles.
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