Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir episode 35

Aslo known as Evim, will tell the story of the great difficulties faced by two young people who fell in love with each other after their marriage and their struggle against them. Although the series is currently designated as Evim, the name may change over time, and its new name has become Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir. Turkish series Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir episode 35 english subtitles.
Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir will be adapted for television series inspired by Dr. Gülseren Budayicıoğlu’s widely read book Girl in Glass. The difficult love legend of Mehdi and Zeynep will be brought before the audience in the tv series Destiny, where you were born. Mehdi and Zeynep, who suffered greatly as children, are in a difficult struggle for life, and both souls are filled with wounds they suffered as children, even though years have passed. Two wounded souls will find a sense of belonging. Turkish series Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir episode 35 english subtitles.
This journey of the two will now only re-describe all the words of love in the dictionaries to the viewer. Turkish series Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir episode 35 english subtitles.


  • Sinead

    I’m sorry but that’s not how it works Benal. If you don’t want your child, it’s the father’s right to have her, whether you have issues with him or not. Why does everyone say Mehdi is in mafia business? So far, there is no indication of it, apart from others attacking them. I don’t see evidence of Mehdi involved in any illegal business. It’s constantly others putting Mehdi in a difficult situation…yes he doesn’t know how to deal with it in a proper fashion, but he is just reacting to others doing things to him. Benal knew from the beginning Mehdi only married her to protect his daughter. Now that she can’t handle it, she wants to take his child away from him and give her to Mehdi’s nemesis to raise (through marriage with Zeynep)…the one who took the love of his life. Sorry, but any normal human would flip. Zeynep is way overstepping in this matter and as a lawyer she’s supposed to know that.

  • nada.el

    bro this Mehdi needs to chill if the mother of ur child doesn’t want you then let her go. I’m so happy for Zeynep now that she is actually getting married but I
    wish she loves baraysh the way he loves her. it’s so sad how he always has her back and protects her when Zeynep is protecting her ex-husband that kidnapped her. I get where everyone comes from its just so stupid how they deal with things, like honestly