Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir episode 32

Aslo known as Evim, will tell the story of the great difficulties faced by two young people who fell in love with each other after their marriage and their struggle against them. Although the series is currently designated as Evim, the name may change over time, and its new name has become Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir. Turkish series Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir episode 32 english subtitles.
Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir will be adapted for television series inspired by Dr. Gülseren Budayicıoğlu’s widely read book Girl in Glass. The difficult love legend of Mehdi and Zeynep will be brought before the audience in the tv series Destiny, where you were born. Mehdi and Zeynep, who suffered greatly as children, are in a difficult struggle for life, and both souls are filled with wounds they suffered as children, even though years have passed. Two wounded souls will find a sense of belonging. Turkish series Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir episode 32 english subtitles.
This journey of the two will now only re-describe all the words of love in the dictionaries to the viewer. Turkish series Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir episode 32 english subtitles.


  • Michele Delville

    what a disgusting personage this Medhi is….. He looks really like a mafioso… he think that he is Al Capone… the way he conducts himself is unbelievable…. As for Zenep she really does not DESERVE Barish… the mother and Dgemile are 2 revolting creatures…. DZgemile does not speak she whines … the mother is horrible with her constant misery (her big weapon)…

  • PSMartinez

    Sultan Abla & Nuh are by far the best and most consistent characters on this show. I DO love the new direction the show is going in but agree that the director went about 3 steps to far in showing of the “mafioso-ness” of what Mehdi has stepped into. Seriously. I have to say that the whole Baris and Zeynep day out made me grin like crazy… I kind of love Baris, but I think we all know Zeynep is written to be “for” Mehdi and his character growth. Sometimes only broken people can recognize, help, & help heal other broken people. Zeynep is broken- very broken… she just hasn’t completely realized it. I kind of hope we see her brokenness manifest itself in a more “noticeable” way the upcoming episodes. I’d like to see all her inner heartbreak and demons come out in such a way that her moms and even Mehdi can see with their own eyes what they have done to her. I don’t think any of them fully realize. It would be a breath of fresh air in drama land if we were to see a realistic portrayal of what childhood trauma can do to a person and what it takes to REALLY overcome/live with it.

    • Michele Delville

      I partially agree with you…. but for Zenep it’s not only childhood… SHE IS WEAK… I know people who had a difficult childhood but because they are strong they overcome that challenge and create good lives for themselves and people around them… I HATE Medhi character from the beginning…. arrogant… selfish, authoritarian….he does not hesitate one second to drag/force poor Nuh in his dangerous new life… the way he treats Benal is terrible….. to come back to Zenep, I dislike do gooders , people like her… by interfering in Benal’s decision in having an abortion she destroyed the life of that poor woman…. by defending a man for whom she had no moral obligation, a man who sequestered her, kidnapped her. brake her car she is going to bring tragedy and danger on everybody… and damage her chance at a good relationship with Barish… she does not deserve Barish at all….

  • Sinead

    Wow, Nermin is so so cruel. And she taught Zeynep to be too. And I know when something happens to Zeynep it will be blamed on Mehdi, like it always is. I’m not sure if I’m watching the same story as the other commenters, because the really ugly people to me are not the ones they want to make us believe. Mehdi will not hurt Zeynep and he momentarily lost himself and did stupid things because he saw he was losing the love of his life to Mr lawyer…he was correct in that assumption. Nermin, Zenep & Barysh should take their money and go live in their high society and stop trampling on the hearts of the poor people, with their cruel words.Of course Zeynep will chose the money over her mom. She can’t understand her mom’s struggles with always being made to feel inferior to Nerim with her money. Nerim is an ugly person.

    • Michele Delville

      I agree with you.. you are not watching the same story as the rest of us..I wonder how you could come to the conclusion “Nermin is cruel.. Medhi the good guy…” I am hallucinating….