The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]
The series follows the epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul. At the story’s start, Hakan couldn’t be further from a hero — just an ordinary guy in this city of 15 million, where […]