Aslo known as If love calls, The series, based on the story written by Duayen director Osman Sınav 10 years ago, has already made the audience curious with both the script and the actors. The series tells the story of people who are trapped between their duties and wishes, raising their unhappiness behind their silence. […]

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Aslo known as If love calls, The series, based on the story written by Duayen director Osman Sınav 10 years ago, has already made the audience curious with both the script and the actors. The series tells the story of people who are trapped between their duties and wishes, raising their unhappiness behind their silence. […]

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Aslo known as If love calls, The series, based on the story written by Duayen director Osman Sınav 10 years ago, has already made the audience curious with both the script and the actors. The series tells the story of people who are trapped between their duties and wishes, raising their unhappiness behind their silence. […]

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Aslo known as If love calls, The series, based on the story written by Duayen director Osman Sınav 10 years ago, has already made the audience curious with both the script and the actors. The series tells the story of people who are trapped between their duties and wishes, raising their unhappiness behind their silence. […]

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