Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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Aslo known as The Tropical, based on the award-winning Israeli series “Exceptional.” The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with […]

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