Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 63
Aslo known as Bitter Lands. Love is Greater than life… Yilmaz; a man who has no qualms about dying or even killing for the woman he loves passionately. Zuleyha; a woman who gives up her hopes, dreams, and even herself in order to save the man she loves. Hunkar; a mother who has devoted her life to protecting her son’s dominance at any cost over the fertile lands her family has owned for centuries. Turkish series Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 63 english subtitles
Demir, a modern day landowner, the lord of lords, who wants to desperately possess a woman he is obsessively in love with- a woman who won’t love him back. On one hand are those who will do anything and everything to get what they want. And on the other are kind people with warm hearts who believe in the power of love. Bitter Lands is the story of a legendary love that begins in Istanbul during the 1970s and continues in the fertile lands of Cukurova in southern Turkey through the trials of evil, ambition, and tyranny.
Bitter Lands asks whether love is eternal against the facts of life and tests the resistance of love and goodness amid a series of turbulent events. On these lands that have been molded with legendary tales of bravery and epic love over the centuries, at a period when mechanization in agriculture is beginning to show its effects, where does the goodness of love begin and where does evil end? Turkish series Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 63 english subtitles
Yilmaz, who commits murder in order to protect Zuleyha from the cruelty of her own family, and Zuleyha who would rather die than give up on Yilmaz who became a murderer for the sake of his beloved, embark on a grueling escape journey.. Fate brings these passionate lovers to Adana, in the south where they will end up on the vast and fruitful lands of the modern and powerful landowner Demir who studied abroad, and his domineering mother Hunkar. A simple lie the runaway lovers say in order not to be separated from each other on these lands while looking for a way out, will turn their lives upside down and destroy any hopes of salvation they had, leaving them in the midst of utter turmoil. Turkish series Bir Zamanlar Cukurova episode 63 english subtitles.
Thank you turkfan for uploading this episode, you are truly the best. My opinion is that both yilmaz and the aunt were the real culprits of mujgan’s insecurity and unhappiness., yilmaz for neglecting her and indirectly saying he still loves zuleyha, and aunty for whispering dark advice, like treating zuleyha as a competition and not let zuleyha have her hands on yilmaz. It was that very advice from aunty that turned mujgan’s behaviour, then of course all the other things she learnt regarding adnan. Or else before she used to get on with things, even if she heard rumours she would ignore it.
as for that pig yilmaz, the man is such a slimy individual, it is so obvious he wants to stay in cukurova because of zuleyha and not because of fekeli. If you starting your new life in istanbul why would you want to turn back to save cukurova. I do not think what mujgan did there was bad, he should have been honest with her about how he really feels about his marriage, beause at the moment everyone is blaming mujgan, but unless it comes from the horses mouth, she will continue to believe her marriage repairable. He such a disgusting human being. I think someone posted before if the reason I hate yilmaz is because I may have had a similar experience, I can definately say I am married, and I can definately say if my husband had even an ounce of yilmaz’s perverted behaviour he knows he will be left in one place, that is OUTSIDE. So no, my dislike for yilmaz is because I am a human being who wants to be treated and valued. Marriage for him was a piece of paper when he decided to make these vows to mujgan but marriage for mujgan was everlasting love and unity. That marriage is controlled by yilmaz. Zuleyha had a lucky escape in my opinion.
Clearly you haven’t watched season 1, otherwise you even wouldn’t start to say the things you say about yilmaz!!! He and Zuleyha have what we all wish for : true unconditional love!
Besides Yilmaz warned Mujgan right from the Beginning that his heart belongs to someone else! BEFORE they got married! So she was aware of all of that!!! If she still chose to marry him… well than she should have taken it into account. Not everyone lives in that perfect world that you are living in… some people just have an unfortunate destiny! I can feel perfectly what Yilmaz is going through….
Libby I have actually been watching from day 1 series 1, and let me tell you, i do not for one second discount yilmaz and zuleyha’s love for eachother. However, I detest them for their action and decisions they made in all this mess, a mess initially created by Hunkar but got prolonged by sabahattin, zuleyha, demir and gulten. Please tell me you are watching the same show, because when mujgan tried to leave this moron three times, twice before marriage and one after because she learnt he hid so many things from her, like for example not even telling her that the woman he is in love with and went to jail for was living right under their nose, she assumed this girl was from istanbul. She kept asking him questions about her so she knows the place he is in, and he kept telling her zuleyha is his past. Yes it was before he found out about zuleyha’s forced marriage, but still, he was convincing himself he was over her, when really he could not even leave the city because zuleyha was living there. Do you think it was fair he used mujgan initially to get zuleyha jealous, ad then to only get married to her, all under the false pretence of what he said was “love”? He forced Mujgan into a loveless marriage without her even knowing she was not loved, he kept spilling the lies he is madly in love with her, he went chasing her like how a cat chases a mouse. He was adamant, and yet when he found out the truth he behaved appalingly towards mujgan, taking all his anger out on his poor wife, and not even once being a little bit angry at zuleyha for not at least being honest about her situation when he kept asking her if she is happy with demir, before he even started dating mujgan.
But zuleyha is a maschoist, she could not even leave demir because she felt a sense of duty because he saved adnan, but yet she accepted her fate with this man that was emotionally abusing her, and even slapped her. If she had told yilmaz when she had an inkling the day she seen through the restaurant window that yilmaz/mujgan were talking when mujgan first arrived, and then soon after yilmaz asked zuleyha in the middle of the road if she is happy wth demir, did she not think by his words that “you have moved on, so will i”. She knew he still loved her, but yet she let it all unfold in front of her eyes instead of being honest to yilmaz and tell him the truth. Please libby, watch the show again, and see from its beginning, not just the “zulmaz” love. Every time mujgan sensed his feelings for zuleyha she always wanted to get reassurance or she wanted to leave him, but he kept stoppping her. Now he think zuleyha is free and he will waste his wife’s time thinking he is giving her another chance, when really he is waiting for his moment with his precious zuleyha. Please, i felt sorry for them at the beginning, but not anymore, the botched runaway attempt was more than enough reason to hate on these 2 beasts who thought it was the right thing to do when they would have left an innocent casualty ruined. I am not saying yilmaz should not have united with zuleyha, but could he not give his marriage a go before he decide to go on the run, did he not think he owed mujgan an honesty before he decided such a thing, and not 5 minutes before he went on the run. oh but according to most fans that act is not inhuman, but you think it is inhuman that zulmaz cant be together because they were first lovers, pleeease. Have empathy for other characters, and tell yourself what you will do in real life situation.
I just watched on atv live and there is another serial instead of this one. So it’s true that they stopped filming. No more 64th episode soon
Isabella they will resume once this covid lockdown is clear and it is safe to be around people. The series end will be yilmaz finding out about adnan.
Hi Shabana, In our country it is over with Corona situation, How about Turkey? Is there any info about 64 episode? I can’t wait for next episode….
Libby I have actually been watching from day 1 series 1, and let me tell you, i do not for one second discount yilmaz and zuleyha’s love for eachother. However, I detest them for their action and decisions they made in all this mess, a mess initially created by Hunkar but got prolonged by sabahattin, zuleyha, demir and gulten. Please tell me you are watching the same show, because when mujgan tried to leave this moron three times, twice before marriage and one after because she learnt he hid so many things from her, like for example not even telling her that the woman he is in love with and went to jail for was living right under their nose, she assumed this girl was from istanbul. She kept asking him questions about her so she knows the place he is in, and he kept telling her zuleyha is his past. Yes it was before he found out about zuleyha’s forced marriage, but still, he was convincing himself he was over her, when really he could not even leave the city because zuleyha was living there. Do you think it was fair he used mujgan initially to get zuleyha jealous, ad then to only get married to her, all under the false pretence of what he said was “love”? He forced Mujgan into a loveless marriage without her even knowing she was not loved, he kept spilling the lies he is madly in love with her, he went chasing her like how a cat chases a mouse. He was adamant, and yet when he found out the truth he behaved appalingly towards mujgan, taking all his anger out on his poor wife, and not even once being a little bit angry at zuleyha for not at least being honest about her situation when he kept asking her if she is happy with demir, before he even started dating mujgan.
But zuleyha is a maschoist, she could not even leave demir because she felt a sense of duty because he saved adnan, but yet she accepted her fate with this man that was emotionally abusing her, and even slapped her. If she had told yilmaz when she had an inkling the day she seen through the restaurant window that yilmaz/mujgan were talking when mujgan first arrived, and then soon after yilmaz asked zuleyha in the middle of the road if she is happy wth demir, did she not think by his words that “you have moved on, so will i”. She knew he still loved her, but yet she let it all unfold in front of her eyes instead of being honest to yilmaz and tell him the truth. Please libby, watch the show again, and see from its beginning, not just the “zulmaz” love. Every time mujgan sensed his feelings for zuleyha she always wanted to get reassurance or she wanted to leave him, but he kept stoppping her. Now he think zuleyha is free and he will waste his wife’s time thinking he is giving her another chance, when really he is waiting for his moment with his precious zuleyha. Please, i felt sorry for them at the beginning, but not anymore, the botched runaway attempt was more than enough reason to hate on these 2 beasts who thought it was the right thing to do when they would have left an innocent casualty ruined. I am not saying yilmaz should not have united with zuleyha, but could he not give his marriage a go before he decide to go on the run, did he not think he owed mujgan an honesty before he decided such a thing, and not 5 minutes before he went on the run. oh but according to most fans that act is not inhuman, but you think it is inhuman that zulmaz cant be together because they were first lovers, pleeease. Have empathy for other characters, and tell yourself what you will do in real life situation.
I think turkey is in the process or normalisation, however the heat in Adana, where they film the series is extremly hot during summertime, and is quite dangerous, especially for vulnerables. So I heard they will start filming in August and the new series will be broadcast in early september. They will pickup from where they left in episode 63, and we hear Zuleyha will try to prove her innocence to demir that she did not cheat. The mystery woman who is taking her care of her children will be revealed and is apparently is a big opponent for zuleyha. Hunkar and zuleyha will build a stronger bond. Yilmaz/Mujgan marriage is reaching breaking point, and yilmaz will learn the facts one by one and about adnan’s paternity.
Hi, any news on 64 episode?
Episode 64 is out. When will it be translated
thanks so much
Please episode 64 in english. This drama is so addicted. I still love Mujgan, I think she will repent later, she is not a bad character, she was heavily influenced, she needs Behice out of her life.
I still think demirs mom is the worst. Worse then behhice. She is the devil! I cant wait
I still think the most innocent was Mujgan, i mean why the hell did this man marry her and then get her pregnant. Zuleyha was very calculating in getting her lover back by meeting him so many times, making him remember their love. She did no favour other than to provoke Mujgan who was already having a mental breakdown.
Please turkfans, can you upload episode 64?