Alparslan: Büyük Selçuklu episode 49

Aslo known as Alp Arslan, the ruler, described as a very brave warrior by historians, learned to ride horses and shoot arrows at a very young age. Dandanakan, etc., which he joined with his own group of friends in his early youth years. He attracted attention with his success in the wars and assumed the governorship of Khorasan after his father’s death. Turkish series Alparslan: Büyük Selçuklu episode 49 english subtitles.
When Tuğrul Bey died in 1063, throne struggles began in the Seljuk country. Tuğrul Bey, who did not have a son, had willed that Süleyman, one of the sons of Çağrı Bey, should ascend to the throne. The Seljuk vizier, Amid ul-Mulk, fulfilled this will and enthroned Suleiman as sultan in the city of Rey. However, Alp Arslan, the other son of Çağrı Bey, and Kutalmış, son of Arslan Yabgun, and some emirs and princes did not recognize the sultanate of Süleyman. Turkish series Alparslan: Büyük Selçuklu episode 49 english subtitles.
In the city of Qazvin, a sermon was read on behalf of Alp Arslan. When Kutalmış came to Rey and besieged the city, the vizier Amid-ül Mülk asked Alp Arslan for help and gave the sermon on his behalf. Kutalmış lost his life in the battle near Damegan with Alp Arslan. Alp Arslan came to the throne of the Seljuk State in the city of Rey. Later, he dismissed Amid ül-Mülk and appointed Nizamülmülk instead. Turkish series Alparslan: Büyük Selçuklu episode 49 english subtitles.
He made his first expedition to Georgia and the Eastern Anatolia Region. His son Melikşah and his vizier Nizamülmülk were also present in this expedition. He advanced to Kars and Ani regions, which were in the hands of Byzantium, and captured these areas. As a result of this conquest, the Abbasid Caliph Kaim bi-Emrillah gave the Sultan the nickname “Abu’-Feth” (Father of Conquests) (1064). Turkish series Alparslan: Büyük Selçuklu episode 49 english subtitles.
At the end of 1065, he organized an expedition to Upper Yurd and Mangışlak. He took the Kipchaks and Turkmens in the region under his rule. He visited the grave of his grandfather Selçuk Bey in Cend and returned to the city of Merv (May 1066). In 1067, he marched on Kirman due to the rebellion of his brother Kavurd, who was the king of Kirman. When the pioneering forces of Melik Kavurd were defeated, he withdrew to his castle and sent an envoy to ask for forgiveness. Turkish series Alparslan: Büyük Selçuklu episode 49 english subtitles.