Sefirin Kızı episode 4

Aslo known as Ambassador’s Daughter, is an upcoming drama about a legendary love story between Sancar Efeoğlu who is a powerful and wealthy man in the town and Nare who is the ambassador’s daughter. Turkish series Sefirin Kızı episode 4 english subtitles.
The subject and summary of the Sefirin Girl series is not officially disclosed, but there are some opinions and infertions, although there is not much information about its content. The name of the directory provides some information about its contents. “Sefir” means: “Envoy” or “Ambassador”. It is estimated that the girl and daughter of a diplomat who came to Turkey will be subject to the impossible love of a Turkish teenager. It is also possible to get a number of Sefirin Kızı (Ambassador’s Daughter) to the center. It is obvious that the Sefirin is not one of the ambassador, but the features that make the love of the two teenagers impossible. It is thought that an impossible love story will be presented to the viewer. It is also thought that the series will also address diplomatic issues. It is estimated that both diplomacy and an impossible love will be a long-lasting series. Turkish series Sefirin Kızı episode 4 english subtitles.

Category: Sefirin Kızı

1 Comment

  • Viscera4ever

    Ah. How their relationship imploded makes a lot more sense now that I know how young they were. Nare is guilty of that good old fashioned teenager logic. Her idea was stupid. How was Sancar supposed to become a murder when your rapist lives in Montenegro? Was his broke ass gonna buy a plane ticket and fly to an unknown country to seek out a man he’d never met? Should have told him. Gildez is also right: girl you didn’t try all that hard to make him believe you. Could have gone back to Turkey with med records, your baby, and the benefit of a cool head, but you didn’t. You preferred to continue living with your rapist and your trash father. You keep complaining that no one understands you or believes you, but at every opportunity you withhold information and expect Sancar to have believed you with, I don’t know, the mystical power of undying love. Girl, PLEASE.
    Sancar was also really young and operating on pure instinct that horrible night. He was being dead honest when he said he couldn’t believe Nare or he would just die. You ever make a mistake so horrendous that to own it would destroy the foundation of your reality? That’s Sancar. Accepting how wrong he was is going to destroy him.
    And Gildez, WTF? You’ve know Nare all of 1 week and you ready to implode your entire life for her? It’s real easy to say you believe Nare when you weren’t there. You didn’t live that moment in time with Sancar when he was basically cold cocked in the face by what seemed like utter betrayal. You have the perspective of being 30, not 20, and no one actively schemed and plotted to deceive you. So keep your judgement to your damn self, Gildez.