Sefirin Kızı episode 16

Aslo known as Ambassador’s Daughter, is an upcoming drama about a legendary love story between Sancar Efeoğlu who is a powerful and wealthy man in the town and Nare who is the ambassador’s daughter. Turkish series Sefirin Kızı episode 16 english subtitles.
The subject and summary of the Sefirin Girl series is not officially disclosed, but there are some opinions and infertions, although there is not much information about its content. The name of the directory provides some information about its contents. “Sefir” means: “Envoy” or “Ambassador”. It is estimated that the girl and daughter of a diplomat who came to Turkey will be subject to the impossible love of a Turkish teenager. It is also possible to get a number of Sefirin Kızı (Ambassador’s Daughter) to the center. It is obvious that the Sefirin is not one of the ambassador, but the features that make the love of the two teenagers impossible. It is thought that an impossible love story will be presented to the viewer. It is also thought that the series will also address diplomatic issues. It is estimated that both diplomacy and an impossible love will be a long-lasting series. Turkish series Sefirin Kızı episode 16 english subtitles.

Category: Sefirin Kızı

1 Comment

  • Viscera4ever

    I understand that Nare’s emotional development is stunted because of the great trauma she experienced when she was 18, but she still thinks and acts like a teenager. Problem solves like one too. Granted, Sancar makes terrible decisions and allows his rage and grief to be his poor advisors, but at least he doesn’t run from his problems or avoid personal responsibility. Up point too, he’s honest.
    On the other hand, Nare has never once kept her word about anything or followed through on any contract or deal she’s made. For someone who wants so badly to be believed, she treats her word carelessly. But that’s not even my biggest problem with her. Like a child, when she hurts, Nare still believes that ONLY SHE hurts. Only HER pain is important. Only her interests, conclusions, and world view are valid. Why are we in this mess in the first place? Because the thought that Sancar might misunderstand and be hurt and confused by her lack of purity on their wedding night when they had promised purity to each other never ONCE crossed her mind. How absurd is that? But that’s classic teenager mentality. And now?

    B*tch, you have a child with someone. You can’t pick them up and run off to another country after imploding someone’s life like you dropped a bomb on Hiroshima. How ridiculous is that? Besides, you were going to leave your daughter with her fully married father when you first came here; did you think he would never breed with his wife, why is this such a problem for you now?

    Nare can’t see past herself and her own pain. She can’t see that she’s often frivolous, contrary, and a hypocrite. She doesn’t want personal responsibility for ANY of her terrible decisions, and LORD FORBID anyone ask her to ABIDE by those decisions. You know, like an adult.