Sefirin Kızı episode 15

Aslo known as Ambassador’s Daughter, is an upcoming drama about a legendary love story between Sancar Efeoğlu who is a powerful and wealthy man in the town and Nare who is the ambassador’s daughter. Turkish series Sefirin Kızı episode 15 english subtitles.
The subject and summary of the Sefirin Girl series is not officially disclosed, but there are some opinions and infertions, although there is not much information about its content. The name of the directory provides some information about its contents. “Sefir” means: “Envoy” or “Ambassador”. It is estimated that the girl and daughter of a diplomat who came to Turkey will be subject to the impossible love of a Turkish teenager. It is also possible to get a number of Sefirin Kızı (Ambassador’s Daughter) to the center. It is obvious that the Sefirin is not one of the ambassador, but the features that make the love of the two teenagers impossible. It is thought that an impossible love story will be presented to the viewer. It is also thought that the series will also address diplomatic issues. It is estimated that both diplomacy and an impossible love will be a long-lasting series. Turkish series Sefirin Kızı episode 15 english subtitles.

Category: Sefirin Kızı


  • Gabriela Adriana

    Dear MIchele,

    Thank you ! I’ve followed your advice and watched this beautiful serial. What a great story!
    I suppose that the episode 16th is not going to be online too early due to this situation..

  • Viscera4ever

    Ok. So as a midwife, it boils my blood to see such incorrect depictions of pregnancy and birth on TV. It gives ppl the completely wrong idea about reproduction, and these misconceptions become part of the social psyche.
    I’ll be generous. According to the timeline of this show, it SEEMS like only a month has passed since Sancar shamed himself with Menekse (I only say shame because of how he felt and acted afterwards), but I’ll extend that and go for 2 months. So that viper can’t be more than 8 weeks pregnant. There is no heartbeat to hear, and the threat of miscarriage at such an early gestation is unavoidable. Let me be clear: NOTHING will prevent a first trimester pregnancy loss. You gonna miscarry, you gonna miscarry. It’s intrinsic to either the developing fetus or the internal environment of the pregnancy. All this bullshit about stress and bedrest and the nonsense of keeping calm contributes to this horrific culture of blame that a miscarriage can somehow be a woman’s fault. There is nothing Menekse can do or say or act that will prevent it from happening. Which just makes her sniveling manipulations all the more obnoxious.
    Fin. I’ll get off my soapbox now.