Misafir episode 2

Aslo known as The Guest, a father, who has a happy family life, is faced with a sudden death while continuing his life with his wife and 3 children. The mother of this happy family dies. On the other hand, a woman who lived through a trauma-filled and unhappy childhood loses her memory. Turkish series Misafir episode 2 english subtitles.
The series tells the story of the encounter between this woman and the father who has three children. Erdem is a police officer with three children (Toprak, Deniz and Balım). She is raising her children alone because she lost her husband. One day, while eating fish and bread on the beach with his children, he encounters a young girl named Gece, who jumps off the bridge. Turkish series Misafir episode 2 english subtitles.
Erdem takes the young girl who tried to commit suicide to the hospital. When the night comes to its senses, the events begin. Saddened by the miserable state of Gece, who pretends to have lost her memory to escape from her past, Erdem hosts her in her home. Thus begins a new era for Erdem’s children. Turkish series Misafir episode 2 english subtitles.
Erdem is a police officer with three children (Toprak, Deniz and Balım). She is raising her children alone because she lost her husband. One day, while eating fish and bread on the beach with his children, he encounters a young girl named Gece, who jumps off the bridge. Turkish series Misafir episode 2 english subtitles.
Erdem takes the young girl who tried to commit suicide to the hospital. When the night comes to its senses, the events begin. Saddened by the miserable state of Gece, who pretends to have lost her memory to escape from her past, Erdem hosts her in her home. Thus begins a new era for Erdem’s children. Turkish series Misafir episode 2 english subtitles.

Category: Misafir


  • Viscera4ever

    Gunesh is such a terrible liar and acts so suspiciously that Erdem HAS to know she’s faking the amnesia. I just find her entire character SO amusing. Like, omg girl, are you gonna react like that to EVERY bit of kindness ever shown you? But Erdem’s wacko neighbor who’s obviously in love with him (your dead best friend’s husband, REALLY!!!???), is the one to watch; she gonna be a problem.