Maraşlı episode 7

Aslo known as Marasli, a soldier who was discharged from the special forces unit earns his living operating a book store that sells old out of publication books. He has a keen eye, he is brave, and he is one who believes in using his own thoughts when it comes to justices. Turkish series Maraşlı episode 7 english subtitles.
On the day that his daughter Zeliş gets shot, that day becomes the turning point in his life. Now his only goal in life is to return his ill daughter back to life, after all this time Maraşlı cannot forget the pain that “he caused” his daughter. Turkish series Maraşlı episode 7 english subtitles.
One day Mahur Türel a beautiful young lady enters the bookstore, and on that day Mahur gets involved in a situation that she never wanted to be in. Maraşlı saves Mahur’s life. Their fate becomes one from that day forwards. Turkish series Maraşlı episode 7 english subtitles.

Category: Maraşlı

1 Comment

  • Viscera4ever

    It was obvious from the beginning: we don’t know who Marasli really is, and he’s NOT retired. The way he talks about himself is a like a history he has rehearsed and learned to recite in the appropriate tone. It’s so manufactured, and we’ve only had glimpses of his true face until now. Interesting.

    I wonder if Nejati knows the truth and that’s why he drinks. It would explain why his father is so indifferent to him, if he’s the son of Omer. But hey, Aziz, you know what they say about ill gotten gains: you destroyed your partner, eventually killed him, and married the woman that was for him, not you; how’s that working out for you?