Vatanım Sensin Season 1

The series begins with the Balkan War, after World War 1 and the death of Hasan Tahsin, who have been the first to open fire on the Greek soldiers that landed at Izmir on May 15, 1919. The first season finished with the foundation of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on April 23, 1920. Vatanım Sensin Season 1 english subtitles.
What lies beneath the most threatening truth that two lovers can face? What is the ultimate challenge that love can abide? On that stormy night the woman and the man yielded to their desires, giving into the demands of their bodies after so many years. They knew this wouldn’t last, they knew there might be no tomorrow for them. Their love so tender, so cherished, was now glowing with the flames of their passion The cruelty of reality was ready to swallow them The cruelty of reality and the forbidding siege which threatened their love, their hopes, their faith… That night would be the most hopeful, the ominous key to their intertwined fate… Vatanım Sensin Season 1 english subtitles.